Contact: Victor Teran / Info@victorteran.com
Author receives national recognition through the NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD®!
Arvada, Colorado — The NYC BIG BOOK AWARD recognized ‘Our Trip to the Zoo’ by Victor Teran in the category of Picture Book – Pre-School as a winner.
The competition is judged by experts from different aspects of the book industry, including publishers, writers, editors, book cover designers and professional copywriters. Selected award winners and distinguished favorites are based on overall excellence.
‘Our Trip to the Zoo’ by Victor Teran, is an educational, beautiful, and colorful story about a little boy and his dad visiting the zoo. They see 10 different animals and Landon shares his excitement and description with our young readers.
‘Our Trip to the Zoo’, is a great book and tool to teach young readers to count to ten, which encourages number association. By manipulating the numbers as the animal, it teaches the young reader to associate numbers and develop organizational skills.
In 2020, the NYC Big Book Award once again achieved worldwide participation. Entries remained strong during the worldwide pandemic. Book submissions streamed in from six continents and over 100 cities. Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America all participated. Across the globe, book entries poured in from places such as Budapest, Cape town, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, New York City, Port of Spain, Vancouver, and Victoria to name a few. Winners were recognized globally from Australia, Canada, England, India, Singapore, Uganda, and the United States of America, among others.
The breadth of publishers ranged from Amazon to Wiley, from Black Rose Writing to She Writes Press. Our award-winning authors are from all kinds of different backgrounds and enrich the program. We are proud of such diversity of winners and distinguished favorites in the annual NYC Big Book Award.
“We are pleased to highlight these books, recognize their excellence, and share their achievements.” said awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak. The awards program “foments a strong interest in these authors and publishing houses and we expect our winners and favorites to receive a heightened level of attention.” Olczak went on to say that “excellent books can be found globally, and we are happy to help bring them to a larger audience.”
For more information, please visit: www.victorteran.com. To view the list of award winning books, visit https://www.victorteran.com/books